The authentic Swedish
Acupressure Mat

Lower Back Pain


Back pain can be caused by many factors, usually of mechanical nature, such as sudden trauma or abnormal stress and strain on the muscles of the vertebral column.

Acupressure is one of the most effective natural therapies due to its well-known ability to encourage the release of beta-endorphins (our body’s natural painkillers) and increase the inflow of blood to a particular area (hyperaemia), thereby relaxing muscles and relieving pain.

Also, unlike many other therapies, acupressure has no harmful side effects, does not entail taking drugs and can be enjoyed “statically”, i.e. does not require any physical effort.


Over the past few years, our Mysa mat has established itself as a very effective device to relieve the symptoms of lower back pain.

Should you suffer from it, lay the mat on a bed or flat surface and align it with the area of the back where you feel pain, a tightening or just temporary aches (due to exercise, stiffness, etc.). It is advisable to place a couple of cushions or rolled-up towels under your knees. This will allow the lower back to press evenly on the surface of the mat.

It must be stressed that, often, aches and pains in other areas of the body (such as legs, arms, feet, etc.) may also be caused by some kind of spine inflammation that reaches the limbs through the nervous system.

In any case, our mat’s special microtips will mechanically induce pain signals that will travel to the spinal cord and, eventually, the brain. The latter will then inhibit them by releasing endorphins.

The combination of acupressure and magnet therapy magnifies the muscle-relaxing and pain-relieving properties of our mat. The results of our in-house tests, in fact, show a considerably higher number of users (+18%) experiencing an even more significant reduction in lower back pain.

This can probably be ascribed to the very manner our Magnetic Mysa is used as well as the soothing effect of the bio-magnets on the aching areas (sacral and lumbar regions).

Such high-gauss, negatively-charged, cylindrical bio-magnets are non-electric and non-allergenic. Furthermore, they have been carefully positioned in order to maximize the re-balancing, soothing and muscle-relaxing effects of naturopathic magnet therapy on your back (especially if you happen to suffer from lower back pain).


Our classic Original Mysa is by now the most popular acupressure mat on the market for the treatment of lower back pain. Over the years, it has given relief to thousands of users suffering from it. Nevertheless, the most effective mat in our range to relieve lower back pain is our  Magnetic Mysa .

Of all our mats, Magnetic Mysa is the one most widely used by health professionals to treat lower back pain. They appreciate its superior effectiveness due to its special bio-magnets and 33-tip florets. Moreover, its all-natural, Mysalus Mysa® vegetable-fibre padding ensures perfect breathability and perfectly uniform acupressure on the whole area to be treated. It is also an environment-friendly product as it is completely recyclable.


Lower back pain is a condition that must be tackled decisively with an appropriate and complete product. Above all, such product should be natural in order to avoid unwanted side effects. In this respect, the acupressure mat best suited to treat lower back pain is, without a doubt, our wonderful  ErgonoMag Mysa .

ErgonoMag Mysa combines our Magnetic Mysa with the ergonomic, heatable,  Mysa Hot ErgonoPad  lumbar support. Their firm, unrelenting, joint action will tackle lower back pain until it disappears. ErgonoMag Mysa is ideally suited to target the lumbar region thanks to its ergonomics and the beneficial properties of magnet therapy and heat (the latter being famously effective against lower back pain).

The therapeutic action then continues even when you are not lying on your Mysa mat. Our Mysa Hot ErgonoPad can in fact be worn as a heatable, back support belt for increased pain relief.

Here are the two Mysa models best suited to help relieve Lower Back Pain:

ErgonoMag Mysa

Original price was: €165.00.Current price is: €143.90.

Magnetic Mysa: Spike Mat for Magnet Therapy

Original price was: €140.00.Current price is: €98.00.
Mysa Mat