Why has Mysa chosen a special, 33-tip, balanced-density design (Mysa® Balanced Density Ratio) for its “florets”?
The main reason for the superior success of the Mysa mat, relative to its competitors, lies in the famous 33-tip design of its proprioception-enhancing florets.
An increasing number of wellness and natural therapy practitioners acknowledge how our 33-tip, balanced-density florets (Mysa® Balanced Density Ratio) ensure perfectly uniform and effective acupressure. Our special, pyramid-shaped tips guarantee maximum stimulation of each square inch of body surface they come into contact with, regardless of the build or weight of the person using the mat.Â
We have worked so hard to come up with the perfect padding density, the ideal mat size, our 33-tip, proprioception-improving, balanced-density florets, etc. that it would make no sense not to employ all these features in each and every version of the Mysa acupressure mat.
Also, a suboptimal number of tips per floret would force us to change their number and shape in order to adapt the mat to different uses, body weights and pain thresholds.
And this, in turn, would only create confusion among our customers, obliging them to buy more than one mat in order to achieve different objectives, or even just to share it with other members of their family.
We are so satisfied with our 33-tip, proprioception-enhancing florets (not only for the optimal number of tips, but also for their balanced-density design, which perfectly adjusts to different builds and body weights) that we will never have to modify our mat’s core features in order to correct mistakes made at the design stage.
It is important to emphasize that a higher or lower number of tips per floret does not translate into any added benefit! Our in-house tests have repeatedly shown us that florets with less than 30 tips only result in greater perception of pain (fakirs teach us how a  higher number of tips per unit of body weight and surface result in pain being minimized and, consequently, better tolerated), while not guaranteeing greater benefits.
Conversely, too high a number of tips per floret (over 36 tips) does not lead to higher therapeutic benefits: acupressure becomes, in our opinion, too “bland” and consequently ineffective. Not to mention “floret” shapes, types petals, holograms, hexagonal, depicting petals, tantric figures, or similar images … an Acupressure mat must be beneficial to the maximum to your body, no-frills aesthetic and exotic or merely decorative references, which could only limit its effectiveness in fundamental proprioceptive action (stimulating the neuro-motor system).
Finally, we could have opted for blunter or softer tips, but they would have been no good. An acupressure mat must ensure wellbeing. That is why the level of subcutaneous local pain must be perfect in order to activate the reflex points and thus stimulate the production of endorphins by the body, with their attendant natural analgesic effect: this is the rationale behind cutaneous acupressure!
Mysa cares about your back and has taken years to come up with its unique 33-tip, balanced-density florets, which you will find on all models of the Mysa acupressure mat. Your back deserves the best: it deserves Mysa!

The superior effectiveness of the Mysa mat and its huge success among wellness practitioners and the general public lies in the exclusive shape and positioning of its microtips. Mysa, in fact, has never strayed too far from their original design.
It has perfected it, but has always strictly adhered to the principles laid down by the man who conceived the spikemat, improved it over the years and successfully treated millions of people with it. A curious and unique story (as unique as the Mysa mat). Since the 1980s, millions of people have been able to find relief from countless conditions thanks to the acupressure mat. Such mat has often succeeded, in a simple and very economical fashion, where traditional treatments and medicines had often failed. And for this there is one person we should all be grateful to: Иван Иванович Кузнецов.
An Indian fakir? A Tibetan mystic? No, nothing of the sort. Ivan Ivanovich Kuznetsov was simply a music teacher hailing from the “very exotic” former Soviet town of Chelyabinsk. A quiet, affable, passionate man, always on hand to dispense advice and share its experiences, Kuznetsov invented the acupressure mat in order to treat a muscle disorder he himself was suffering from. It came to be known as the “Kuznetsov Iplikator” and consisted originally of a simple mat dotted with metal tips. In the following years, Kutznetsov and his team worked hard to improve the iplikator, whose effectiveness was validated by scores of studies and by the thousands of patients who were successfully treated with it. If you want to find out more about Kuznetsov’s curious story, please click here.
Mysa has always been well acquainted with the principles laid down by Kuznetsov with regard to the shape of the tips (which must be pyramidal in order to activate the proprioceptors), their number within each floret as well as the distribution of such florets on the mat.
In fact, we have never betrayed Kuznetsov’s teachings due to the impressive results obtained by his mat over the years. Mysa has only ever cared about the effectiveness of its acupressure mats: how to maximise their ability to get the body to release endorphins, to boost blood and lymph circulation and to stimulate trigger points. We have never been guided by purely aesthetic or commercial considerations. That is why on our mats you will find no merely decorative designs, no lotus flowers, no holographic or hexagonal shapes and no attempt to conjure up exotic Indian images. Regrettably, all of the above can be increasingly found on the web and can only be described as misleading. Fakirs’ mats, in fact, are designed to perform a completely different task. If anything, they prove how absolutely tolerable the pressure of thousands of microtips on the body is and how such pressure does not cause unbearable pain. But that is all.
An acupressure mat worthy of its name must, first and foremost, be effective. It must benefit your body by ensuring maximum and evenly-distributed pressure on it. No tapestries, no unusual tip shapes and no names or logos conjuring up mystic or esoteric images. It is your back and it deserves the best: it deserves Mysa!